Sunday, October 11, 2009

Jeruk Bambangan

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This is a traditional appertizer for the Sabahan people especially for the Kadazan and Dusun tribe.

How to make Jeruk Bambangan

Bambangan is a well known fruit for the Sabahan people (Sabah, Malaysia) especially among the Kadazan and Dusun tribes. But nowadays, it is getting popular among every race in Sabah. The tree is very tall and it takes long years to mature and bear its fruits. The fruits are round and brown in colour. It has a nice smell when it is ripe. This fruit either can be eaten raw when it is ripe or turn it into Jeruk Bambangan, a local delicacies that can be a delicious appetizer.

A ripe bambangan can be very sweet or very sour depends on where the fruits came from. These are the simples’ steps to make jeruk bambangan.

The Ingredients:

1) A few fruits of Bambangan

2) Bambangan seeds

3) Salt

Step 1:

Peel off the bambangan skin. Be careful when doing this because the bambangan will produce sticky substances around it. This can burn your skin if you touch it with your bare hands so it is advisable for you to wear hand gloves. Any hand gloves will do. If you do not have hand gloves you can use any clothes to hold the bambangan while peeling it.

Make sure you do not wash the bambangan after you have peeled it because it will make it very slippery and that will make it hard for you to cut it into small pieces.

Step 2:

Cut the peeled off bambangan into small squares pieces making sure that it is not too small, just the right size. It also does not have to be at the same size. Do not throw away the seed. You need that as one of the ingredients.

Step 3:

Now just put aside the pieces of bambangan. Take the bambangan seed and you need to peel the outer layer of the seed. This can be a tricky thing to do because the outer layer is very hard but be careful not the cut the inner seed that is white in colour.

Step 4:

When you get the white seed, take any type of grater to grate the seed into crumbs. Grate all the bambangan seeds that you have, as much as you can.

Step 5:

Now take the bambangan pieces that you had cut earlier and mix it with the seed crumbs slowly, mixing them bit by bit. When you had mix all of the crumbs, add 1 to 2 table spoons of salt (or enough to taste) to the mixture and mix it all again. Leave it to be about half an hour before putting them in jars or containers.

Other people might have different ways to do this, but these are the basic steps that you can follow. Jeruk bambangan can last for quite sometimes because it tastes better as it gets older, but remember not to eat these too much at one time because it might gives you gastric. Enjoy!

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