Wednesday, April 30, 2008

About Sabah

Location: Sabah is the second largest state in Malaysia, situated at the north of Borneo Island. Sabah has a heavily indented coastline of approximately 800 to 900 miles and is washed by the South China Sea in the west and north, the Sulu Sea in the northeast and the Celebes Sea in the east. Mount Kinabalu is the feature of Sabah as the tallest mountain in South East Asia standing at 4093 meters.

People: Sabah is a unique land, a melting pot of many indigenous and immigrant groups. The population comprises over 30 different races and over 80 different dialects, each group having its own colourful culture, tradition, festival and customs. The indigenous group include the Kadazan/Dusun, Bajau, Murut, Rungus, Lotud, Brunei, Orang Sungei, Kadayan, Bisaya and many other subgroups. The Chinese form the largest non-indigenous group.

Population: 2.52 million.

Capital: Kota Kinabalu City, the gateway to the rest of Sabah, is also the State Capital. Kota Kinabalu or K.K. as it is usually called, is relatively new as the original town was destroyed during the Second World War.

Language: Bahasa Melayu (Malay) is the official language, English is widely spoken, especially in business and tourism circles. Other languages include Chinese dialects, kadazan and several indigenous and dialects.

Religion: Malaysia's official religion is Sunni Islam, but freedom of worship is respected. In Sabah, major religions are Christianity (29%), Islam (26%) and Buddhism-Taoism (17%).

Government: Malaysia is a constitutional monarchy, with a unique system of rotation of Kings, chosen every 5 years among nine state hereditary rulers (Sultans). Parliament is elected every 5 years by universal suffrage and is headed by the Prime Minister. Borneo, as every other state, has an elected parliament headed by a Chief Minister.

Climate: Typical Equatorial Climate, daily temperatures range between 23 c and 32 c throughout the year in ;the lowlands. Rainfall is spread throughout the year, the wettest months (Landas season) being from November to February. Depending on the areas, rainfall averages between 2600 mm. and 4000 mm./year.

Flora & Fauna: About half of all living species are found in south-east Asia's jungles, the Planet's oldest. Borneo is still largely covered by primary jungles, many under National Park Status. Famous species include the Rafflesia Flower, Pitcher Plants, the Hornbill bird, the Orang Utan Ape and the Proboscis monkey, all protected.

Economy: Commodity based economy, Sabah being a major exporter of timber and agricultural products. Manufacturing is rapidly increasing, the emphasis being on processing of commodities and , for the future, electronics, information technology and bio-technology. Tourism is in a rising economy and main focus by the government.

Currency: Malaysian Ringgit (RM), very stable and fully convertible, no restrictions on import or export. Best to exchange at licensed money changers or banks, traveler cheques and major credit cards widely accepted. USD 1.00 = RM 2.50 (Approx.)

Working Hours: Government : 08:00 a.m. to 04:15 p.m., Private Sector : 09:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m., Mondays to Fridays, Saturday half day. All shops would be open between 10:30 a.m. and 05:00 p.m., Monday to Saturday, but many open earlier and close later and are open on Sunday. Shopping complexes close at 09:00 p.m.

Entry Regulations: Visa free entry for holiday purposes (14 days to 3 months) is given to most nationalities. Best to check with Malaysian Diplomatic Missions for current situation. Passports must have 6 months validity.

Health Regulations: No vaccinations required, unless coming form Africa or South America (Yellow Fever). Most Tropical diseases eradicated, anti-malaria treatment not indispensable, malaria cases very rare in Borneo (most occur in logging camps and very remote areas).

Water: Safe to drink from the tap in towns. Hotels and restaurants provide boiled water. Bottled mineral water widely available.

Electric Current: 220 V/50 cycles , in areas not connected to the grid, generators are often used. Three pin plugs (not American plugs).

Dress Code & Clothing: Casual dress is the norm, light cotton clothing is recommended.

Shopping: Items such as films, batteries, torch lights, raincoats, slippers, etc. are available in all towns. Indigenous handicrafts and textiles, potteries, antiques, etc. are good bargains.

Safety: Borneo is probably one of the safest places on earth, crime rate is low, there are few dangerous animals in the jungles, general health is good, there are no earthquakes, volcanoes or cyclones and there is political stability, racial harmony and tolerance, no terrorism and no internal strife. Fortunately, Sabah does not experience any natural disaster or calamities. In fact it is under the typhoon belt (thus the name "Land Below The Wind") and is free from any climatic disturbances.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Kaamatan Sana Sini


03 Mei

04 Mei

Lahad Datu
04 Mei

04 Mei

04 Mei

06 Mei

08 Mei

08 Mei

08 Mei

10 Mei

10 Mei

Kota Kinabalu City
11 Mei

Nabawan dan Pagalungan
11 Mei

Kota Belud
11 Mei

11 Mei

12 Mei

12 Mei

15 Mei

15 Mei

17 Mei

17 Mei

17 Mei

17 Mei

17 Mei

18 Mei

Kota Marudu
18 Mei

Tuaran(Tamparuli dan Kiulu)
20 Mei

21 Mei

Kuala Penyu
21 Mei

21 Mei

22 Mei

22 Mei

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Rafflesia Centre of Tambunan

Rafflesia Center Everyone's dream should include seeing the Rafflesia - the largest flower in the world. The record size, according to the Guinness Book of Records, is a Rafflesia arnoldii, which stretched 91cms or 3 feet in diameter, 1.9 cms or 3/4 inch thick and weighed 7 kgs or 15 lbs.

In many ways, this magnificently colourful flower is strange and baffling to visitors. It blooms as a single flower which has no roots, no stem and no leaves as well.

In addition, each flower produces just one seed and this seed can only germinate if it succeeds in lodging itself in the tissue of one particular cissus vine host known as Tetrastigma, which usually crawls along the rainforest floors. This is why the Rafflesia is usually floor bound. The flower extracts food from the vine by extending threadlike filaments into its tissue. Its penchant for attaching exclusively to the Tetrastigma partly explains why the flower is very rare and sighting depends on correct timing, keeping touch with the local community, and luck.

Some ecologist believe only big animals like wild boars, which accidentally pick up Rafflesia seeds on their hoofs, are heavy enough to implant the seeds into the cissus tissues. Sabah offers fair chances for people in the world to see this floral wonder.

There are several known sites, such as Poring Hot Springs at the Kinabalu Park which are fairly accessible. But one particular place where this unique flower, especially Rafflesia Pricei species occur extensively is a 386 acres Tambunan Rafflesia Reserve which is sited in a forest reverse consisting of a mixture of temperate oaks, chestnut type and highland dipterocarps forest.

The Tambunan Rafflesia Reserve is located conveniently by the roadside of Kota Kinabalu/Tambunan Highways and is only 58km from Kota Kinabalu. At the entrance of this reserve is a Rafflesia Information Centre. There are eight trails for trekkers including a Rafflesia Trial that leads to the flowering sites.