I found this very interesting article. YOU SHOULD READ THIS..jarang2 ada yang rajin bikin ni.. hehe.. so i copied this one and share it to you.
Mr Dusun Aroma said:
On my very 1st post in this blog, I would like to share one of a dish that is a proud of my people. It is called sambal tuhau (too-how). Sambal is equivalent to a dipping sauce and tuhau is the main ingredient to make it.
By mentioning the name alone, it is already mouth watering! So, it’s a yummy yummy dish and it’s a hot one.
For those who don’t have any idea about tuhau, perhaps some light background information will help.
- Sambal tuhau is a traditional side dish prepared by the natives in Sabah, especially by the Dusun who lives in the interior. It’s perfect to accompany local rice wine or beer and to treat hangover :).
- Other cousins of tuhau which is use by many in preparing delicacy are tumeric, galangal/red ginger and of course wild ginger.
- The main ingredient is the tuhau which is scientifically known as E. coccinea a plant from zingerberaceae family, grown wildly and abundant in our tropical forest. This is how it looks like :
Photo credit to http://zainijimmy.blogspot.com
Alrite, enough said, lets go to the business! I’m gonna show you how to prepare the original sambal tuhau, the way we loves it so much in my home town.
**Before anything, in order to make a really good sambal tuhau, you must get the freshest raw ingredient possible. If you know where to get it green around your area, go get it pls.
Main ingredient:
A) Tuhau : any amount, but to make a medium bowl portion, get 8-11 stems
B) Lime : 5 – 8 (depends on your preference, but I use 5 large size limes). Rice vinegar can replace lime, but your sambal will be less than half good.
C) Chillies : 1 pack (contains around 35-45 chillies). It must be a hot chillies like Thai chillies or in Malaysia we have the Cili padi @ bird’s eye chilli (I use this one – mind blowing hot).
Optional (but better have ):
D) Onions : 3 medium size onions, thinly sliced.
E) Belacan / prawn paste / fermented prawn cake : Get a thumb size or more if you like. Give it a direct bbq for about 40-50 seconds till it produce slight burnt aroma. BUT don’t burnt it! Cut it into small cubicles or mash it with your pestle/mortar.
Ingredient for taste:
F) Salt : For this portion I use 3.5 tea spoons. Adjust the saltiness to meet your preference, but it should be a bit salty to cut the sour citric lime juice, and to awake the taste.
G) Sugar : 1.5 tea spoons or if you like, try monosodium glutamate (MGS) for 1 tea spoon. MGS is a famous flavor enhancer for Asian and the best brand is Aji No Moto which means ‘essence of taste’ (I use this one). Well, if you are a serious health conscious, you can forget about it :).
The process:
- 1st of all – clean everything.
- Peel off the hard tuhau skin by using a knife or your finger’s nail if you have a strong one. What we want is the soft inside of the stem. If you are not sure, try to bite a little, if it disintegrate easily with your chew, then it is. I use knife.
- Cut the tuhau into shorter sizes (10-15 cm). This is just technical add-on, so that it’s easier for the next step -.-“)
- Slightly mash the tuhau with the knife’s side, and then by using the reverse side of your knife (knife’s spine) hit the tuhau from end to end as if you are cutting it. But don’t cut it through. We want it still tangling lightly by its fibers.
- note the fine fibers attaching between those parts
- Once done, leave it rest to colorizes into light brown. But, never leave it too long, it will turn to dark brown. If you prefer it original color, you may dip it into your lime juice immediately.
- Cut the lime and extract the juice ONLY. The lime’s seed if mixed will turn the juice bitter and bitter and bitter. To get the most juice from your lime, roll press it under your palm and cut it properly. This is the right way to cut your lime, unless you are using lime juice extractor.
- Pluck the chilli’s pedicle/stem. Grind the chili using mortar grinder or blender/chopper.
- Properly mix together the processed A) Tuhau, B) Lime juice, C) Chilli, D)Onions E)Belacan, F) salt and G) sugar.
- The sambal is done!. Optionally, you may also add spring onions, garlic clove and even anchovies. Play with your imagination, make the dish yours
and serve it best while fresh!
This is the end product.
And this is the mess
Sambal tuhau can be preserved for couple of weeks if kept properly inside a bottle/jar and refrigerated.
In Sabah, you can find the ready made sambal tuhau sold on the road side or in a market place, mostly in the interior such as in Tambunan, Keningau and Ranau. It taste slightly different as it is prepared using rice vinegar for a better preservative.
Photo source :http://www.mount-kinabalu-borneo.com
Additional notes:
Not everyone would love tuhau though. I know a dozen who can’t even stand the strong smell of tuhau especially those who are not from Tambunan.
For the 1st timers who love to try, go for a very little amount and taste it around the tips of your tongue. If you feel ok with it, then proceed with more amount.
Another good way of tasting tuhau for the 1st timer is by having a small amount of it in your spoon and dip it into your soup and taste it. You will know if you are enjoying it or otherwise immediately. Mixing tuhau with noodle soup or maggie is damn good!, try it :).
Tuhau in KK eateries?
It is very difficult to find but there is one outlet in centre point basement, (located beside the only vegetarian canteen) that provide sambal tuhau as their side dish. I was actually surprise by it.
However, it’s a bit frustrating though, the sambal tuhau in centre point is just too light. Perhaps the owner purposely make it very light for his customers.
If you are eating in Tambunan, go to Restaurant Trusmadi (besides TIPS and pasar), they still provide tuhau as a side dish for FREE and UNLIMITED. The food is nice too.
Hurmm, one last point.. beside being used to make an appetizer, tuhau is also a very good ingredient to make fish or chicken soup. I think that should be my next sharing
That’s it for now guys, cheers!
Some other post about Tuhau from the net:
I would like to dedicate this post to the person who has made sambal tuhau popular in Tambunan and slowly it spread throughout Sabah. That man is my beloved father, Mr. Dalus Anggat.
I remember well, father used to serve his noodle soup with unlimited refill of tuhau and also a bottle of lihing – rice wine. It is still fresh in my mind, the combination really make a fortune for the family on those days.
Thanks again..
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